- RN, California - Active
- LVN, California- Active
- Director of Staff Development
- MABPro
- Wound Care
- IPL, Yag, Diode Laser Certified
Other Training:
LHR, Botox, Fillers, LTC administrative work/ medicare compliance
Nursing Experience
American Red Cross
Lead RN / Director of Nursing
Medical Education and Training
Duties and Responsibilities: Maintain and create course schedule, curriculum, and other tools used to train students and instructors.
Formulation of quizzes and CDPH approved documentations and records.
Evaluation and training of 15+ instructors, oversees and supervises 8 locations throughout Southern California, with weekday and weekend program.
Responds to incident reports, investigates complaints and resolves conflicts.
Maintain relationship with partner clinical facilities and its managers.
Nurses' Development Center Inc.
17100 Norwalk Blvd., Suite 106 Cerritos, CA 90703
- Nurse Assistant Training Program instructor (Theory and Clinical)
- CNA and LVN continuing education instructor
American Red Cross
Los Angeles, CA 90025
Nurse Assistant Training Instructor
Special -task nurse - Obtained clinical sites for the training program.
Consulted by managers to open a new program and how to make the program better.
CareSouth Home Health
Home Health Care Coordinator - Assisted patients with referrals to home health with their medical needs at home, interacts with RNs, therapists, physicians, and case managers to help make the patient's transition as easy and comfortable as possible.